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ST-8535 Small System ATMega8535, Udah ada ADC 10 Bit nya lagi..!

ST-8535 Small System ATMega8535 Development System for Atmel AVR family, especially for ATMega8535 features that support 10-bit ADC. This module is designed with a concise and economical price, but with the quality of the industry in which the PCB Fiber material with the input voltage is 30 Volt DC.

- Support ATMega8535
- 9 - 30 Volt DC Power Input
- Fiber PCB
- 8 Channel 10 bit ADC Adjustable VREF
- Reset Switch
- RS232 Port
- In System Programming Port

PACKAGE Comprising:
- ST-8535 Module
- Manual Sheet 8535
- CD Software

ST-8535 Manual.

Kira-kira terjemahannya gini, Modul ini udah ada ADC 10 bitnya, terus harganya murah meriah, terus ada software nya lagi, terus..,di coba aja ya..!
Oh ya, harganya Rp. 110.000 belum termasuk ongkir (ongkos kirim) lho..!!
Yang berminat kontak saya di 0812 760 8036 (mascottaria).


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